7 Interesting Facts About Nature

It can be seen, felt, heard, touched, eaten, and interacted with it. You are surrounded by Life and Nature; you have an impact on it, and it has an impact on you.

Nature can be mind-bogglingly intricate and fascinating at times. Here are 7 of our favorite weird and amazing nature facts.

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1. On Earth, There Are More Trees Than Stars In The Galaxy

Credits: Canva

You might be astonished to learn that our galaxy has between 200 and 400 billion stars, according to experts.

But that’s not all: the number of trees on Earth is projected to be 1 trillion, exceeding the previously thought-to-be-infinite number of stars in the Milky Way. Source

2. The Quick Sands are only a few inches deep and are unlikely to swallow you whole

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The ability of quicksand sand to swallow you whole is unlikely. Because quicksand is only a few inches deep, movies tend to make the event more dramatic than reality. Only during a tidal basin may someone die. Source

3. Mosquito Bites Kill Almost A Million People Every Year

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This totals 2,700 per day, or 100 per hour. How? Malaria is the leading cause of death. The Malaria virus is spread by mosquitos.

When they “bite” a human, the virus is passed on to that person, who subsequently becomes ill. Malaria kills a child every 30 seconds. Source

4. Hurricanes Release The Energy Of 10,000 Nuclear Bombs

Credits: Canva

A single developed hurricane can equal nearly half of our planet’s ability to produce electricity if measured solely by its wind velocity’s kinetic energy.

In terms of rainfall, however, a storm unleashes the equivalent of 10,000 atomic bombs across a 413-mile-wide area.

The difference is that instead of radiating from a single point, the energy is spread out throughout the entire area.

Still, as many Floridians, Texans, Louisianans, and North Carolinians know, that much continuous force can do serious damage. Source

5. Bamboo Is The World’s Fastest Growing Plant

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Bamboo comes in over 1,000 varieties, many of which grow quickly, but only a few species may reach Guinness World Record speeds.

The current record is an incredible 35 inches each day, which is nearly three feet. In temperate regions, the usual growth rate is 1 to 4 inches each day, which is still a lot. Source

6. The Ocean Produces Up To 85% Of The Oxygen On The Earth

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Phytoplankton, tiny sea animals, are responsible for producing the great majority of oxygen in our atmosphere: 50 to 85 percent to be exact.

Though they’re too small to view without a microscope, they live in the upper layers of water and turn sunlight into energy by photosynthesis, producing oxygen in the process. Source

7. To Avoid Sex, Female Dragonflies Pretend To Be Dead

Credits: Canva

Female moorland hawker dragonflies freeze mid-flight, fall to the ground, and lie immobile when confronted by hostile males, according to a scientist from the University of Zurich.

More than 60% of the ladies seen in the study escaped after faking their deaths. Source


Author: admin

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