Products with more inflation in 2022

In the first half of December it closed at 7.7%, well above the Bank of Mexico’s 3% target.

Throughout the year, Mexican families faced the constant loss of purchasing power due to the historical rise in inflation levels, which led to the increase in the price of basic consumer products.

According to a report prepared by the National Association of Small Merchants (Anpec) at least 13 products, nine corresponding to the basic basket (egg, oil, bread, tortilla, onion, chicken meat, potato, tomato, apple) and three Common consumption items (orange, avocado and wheat flour) were the ones that registered price increases with the greatest impact during 2022.

He exemplifies with some products such as whole chicken that registered a maximum price of 220 pesos during the second semester in Guerrero; while in Nuevo León in July the egg reached a price of 82 pesos per kilo; while a staple like the white potato reflected a peak of 64 pesos per kilo in Hidalgo.

Anpec detailed that the main increases were seen in the third quarter of the year, as well as in the months of November and December. On the other hand, the states most affected due to the increase in costs in the 13 products were Zacatecas, Tabasco, Nuevo León, Hidalgo, Tlaxcala and Guerrero.

According to data from the portal México cómo vamos, essential items in the diet of many Mexicans presented considerable price variations, for example serrano chili reflects an annual variation of 70%, followed by eggs with 25.6%, vegetable oil with 21% and box bread 19.5 percent.

The best option to avoid buying at a high price is to compare the prices of different stores.

Author: admin

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