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Wauuw parashikim i hatashëm” Java nis me super lajme për këto shenja, beqarët të bëjnë kujdes

Dashi Të lindur më: 21 Mars – 19 Prill Lajm i mirë për dashurinë sepse historitë që lindin tani janë vërtet të rëndësishme dhe madje…

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Posted in Other

7 arsye për t’u dashuruar në një Gaforre

Edhe pse për t’u dashuruar me një njeri ka mijëra arsye, ne po ju tregojmë 7 arsye për t’u dashuruar me dikë që i përket…

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Posted in Health

Top Tips in the Battle Against Skin Aging

Looking for ways to prevent skin wrinkling? This could be the solution you were missing. In a search to find the most appropriate way that…

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Posted in Health

What Foods Can You Eat for Breakfast and Which Can’t?

Breakfast is the most important meal, because it will reflect on the whole continuity of your day. And why not start your day with positive…

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Posted in Health

Who is the main vitamin for a strong memory..?!

Who is the main vitamin for a strong memory..?! Despite all the advice of doctors and experts for a diet as rich as possible, it…

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Posted in Health

Okra Juice Against Diabetes, Cholesterol And Kidney Diseases

In folk medicine, okra juice and this vegetable itself is considered vital against a number of diseases. This juice is particularly effective in the treatment…

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Posted in Health

How Walnuts Affect Stomach Ulcers?

Experts argue that foods play a very important role in whether or not an ulcer occurs. Ulcers are injuries to the digestive system and are…

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Posted in Curiosity Health

5 intolerable mistakes that we all make when using the phone

The phone is not a good sleep friend! In addition to sleep, it harms you during the day in so many ways you can’t imagine….

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Posted in Curiosity Idea

They are myths, do not do these if your cell phone falls into water

Rice, hair dryer and stove oven… are some of the things that were believed to be able to save your phone that has fallen in…

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Posted in Curiosity

Experts reveal the best place for stargazing on Earth

The best place in the world to see the sky is a point on the Antarctic plate, the coldest place on Earth, where the stars…

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